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Sharing the plate

If you cannot make it to the meeting house, but want to support this week’s cause and our church, you can donate securely with PayPal using this button:

January 2025: Our January Half-Plate recipient is the Northborough Community Meals program.

December 2024: The half-plate recipient is Ansaar of Worcester.

Ansaar of Worcester provides charitable services to under-served families in the Worcester area, especially refugees.

November 2024: The half-plate recipient is the UU Emergency Relief Fund.

The UU Emergency Relief Fund assists survivors of recent devastating hurricanes.

October 2024: Our October Half-Plate recipient is the Nipmuck Indian Development Corp.

February 2024: Our January Half-Plate recipient is Habitat for Humanity

Habitat for Humanity is a nonprofit organization that helps families build and improve places to call home. They believe affordable housing plays a critical role in strong and stable communities.

January 2024: Half-Plate recipient is The Network

The Network advocates against domestic violence.

December 2023: Our December half-plate recipient is the Unitarian Church of Montpelier (VT)

The Unitarian Church of Montpelier Vermont were flooded out of their church this past summer.

November 2023: The November half-plate goes to the Northborough Community Meals Program.

In a 2016 article on the Northborough Community Meals program that appeared in “Wicked”, the following was in the first paragraph:

“The Northborough Community Meal Program at Trinity Church was created in 1996 as a result of an encounter by a resident with a homeless man on the streets of the town. The resident, who was a parishioner of the Unitarian Church, carried his concerns to his minister who in turn carried them to the Interfaith Clergy Council.”

Out of the Interfaith Clergy Council came a program based in Trinity Church due to its central location on Main Street. The program continued into the pandemic with the appropriate changes. Over the years seven faith communities and four civic organizations have participated in providing meals.

As we emerge from the pandemic into this new, changing world. The Community Meal Program needs support of all kinds. In the month of November First Parish Church UU will donate half of the collection plate to this program. Consider also contributing the gift of your time, even if only for a single month. Contact Alicia Coderre for more information. And thank you Alicia for keeping First Parish Church connected with this program, especially through the pandemic years.

October 2023: The October half-plate will be going to the Nipmuck Indian Development Corp.

The Mission of the Nipmuc Indian Development Corporation (NIDC) is to assist in the revitalization of the Nipmuc Indian community through the promotion and provision of culturally-appropriate community and economic development programs.
We make this collection knowing that the land on which this church is built was taken, stolen by the European settlers, from the Nippi people who had lived here peacefully for generations.

January, 2023: our half-plate will be shared with Abby’s House.

Abby’s House (Abby Kelley Foster House, Inc.) was founded in Worcester, MA in 1976. A nonprofit organization, we provide shelter and affordable housing, as well as advocacy and support services, to homeless, battered, and low-income women, with or without children.

Over the years, we have helped more than 15,000 women and their children reclaim and rebuild their lives, empowering them to lead self-directed lives filled with dignity and hope.

December, 2022: our half-plate is shared with CASA of Middlesex County

Casa of Middlesex County is a nonprofit dedicated to standing up for the needs of children living in foster care. They advocate for kids through the hard work of volunteers who are assigned to a child or sibling group. 

November, 2022: This month our half-plate is shared with the Minister’s Discretionary Fund

This fund helps our members with emergency financial needs, in a completely confidential manner. Thank you for giving generously!

September, 2022: This month our half-plate is shared with the Minister’s Discretionary Fund

This fund helps our members with emergency financial needs, in a completely confidential manner. Thank you for giving generously!

June, 2022: This month our half-plate is shared with the Minister’s Discretionary Fund

This fund helps our members with emergency financial needs, in a completely confidential manner. Thank you for giving generously!

May, 2022: This month our half-plate is shared with Days for Girls in Shrewsbury

Days for Girls advances menstrual equity, health, dignity and opportunity for all. We transform periods into pathways.

April, 2022: This month our half-plate is shared with Worcester MassMatch

Dedicated to helping children and adults with disabilities have equal opportunities to live, learn, work and play.

March, 2022: This month our half-plate is shared with UUSC

The Unitarian Universalist Service Committee (UUSC) is a nonprofit, nonsectarian organization advancing human rights together with an international community of grassroots partners and advocates.UUSC

Sunday, June 2, 2019: Today we donated half the plate to The Church of the Larger Fellowship

The Church of the Larger Fellowship (CLF), a Unitarian Universalist congregation with no geographical boundary, creates a global spiritual community, rooted in profound love, which cultivates wonder, imagination, and the courage to act. Their thousands of members live all over the world (900 are currently incarcerated) and are seekers, lay leaders and religious professionals, homebound and geographically remote people, quirky folks looking for kindred spirits – all with the desire to connect, seek, share and grow. More at

Sunday, May 5, 2019 Today we donated half the plate to Friends of the UUA

Your gift is critical to the mission of our Unitarian Universalist Association: equipping congregations for health and vitality; supporting and credentialing religious leaders; and advancing UU values in the world.

Sunday, April 28, 2019 Today we donated half the plate to The Steele Center for Earth Literacy and Sustainability, Inc.

Located in Uxbridge, MA this non-profit, educational organization focuses on environmental studies, earth science education, and sustainable living skills and offers a variety of educational activities for all age groups in order to promote earth literacy and foster an appreciation for the intricate web of life that exists on our planet. They support the earth science curriculum at local school systems by providing field trip opportunities and classroom enrichment activities as well as other assistance to teachers. Educational topics include permaculture, sustainable organic agriculture, agro-ecology, water conservation, wetlands ecology, herbal studies, food preservation, and traditional home crafts such as knitting, crocheting, quilting, rug-making, and soap-making. Funded solely by grants, public and private donations, membership dues, and their fundraising campaigns, the Steele Center is also an advocate for environmental protection, conservation, preservation, recycling and community building.

Sunday, April 7, 2019 Today we donated half the plate to Family Farm Disaster Fund

Farm Aid created the Family Farm Disaster Fund to help farm families recover from the devastating impacts from weather-related disasters, supporting local and regional organizations working on the ground to distribute emergency grants to farm families affected by the flooding in the Midwest and offering resources that help farmers navigate their farm recovery options from mental health resources to federal funding opportunities. More at

Sunday, March 31, 2019 Today, we donated half the plate to Ansaar of Worcester

Ansaar (which means supporters) is the honorific title given to those who opened up their hearts and homes to migrating Muslims almost 1,400 years ago. Today, as many dispossessed refugees, escaping poverty and persecution in their own homelands, arrive in our community, Ansaar strives to live up to the same exemplary tradition, also helping local residents who are otherwise underserved. As a 501c3 non-profit Anssar does not discriminate on the basis of race, religion, gender, lifestyle, or any other basis, and extends services to anyone struggling with basic necessities. Sunday, March 24, 2019 Today, we donated half the plate to Community Meals This free meal is provided by and served by volunteers from various Northboro churches, including First Parish, which started it in 1996 and continues to participate fully. The meal is every Wednesday at 6:00 pm at Trinity Church, 23 Main Street. If you can help, please contact Sunday, March 3, 2019 Today, we donated half the plate to Central Massachusetts Housing Alliance Providing a collaborative response to homelessness in Worcester County that fosters long-term housing stability through prevention, quality services, education and advocacy, working with those who have directly experienced homelessness or been impacted by the lack of affordable housing and related issues of poverty. More at Sunday, February 24, 2019 Today, we donated the entire plate to Black Lives of Unitarian Universalists (BLUU) The BLUU Organizing Collective works to provide support, information and resources for Black Unitarian Universalists. They also work to expand the role and visibility of Black UUs within our faith. Visit

Sunday, February 10, 2019 Today, we donated half the plate to Ferry Beach Park Association

Ferry Beach is a respite away from the everyday world, a place where challenges you thought you would never shed just seem to melt away, a place that offers rest and relaxation, the joy of community, the challenge of personal growth, and the comfort of spirit.

Sunday, January 20, 2019 Today, we donated half the plate to ONWARD TOGETHER

Providing over $2.5 million so far to groups as diverse as Voto Latino and the Alliance for Youth Action, Onward Together lifts up, funds and advises organizations that are fighting to preserve our democracy, training the next generation of leaders and expanding opportunity and fairness for more people. 

Sunday, January 13, 2019 Today, we donated half the plate to The Friends of the Northborough Senior Center

  The Friends promote and financially support innovative and responsive programs, events and experiences to benefit seniors such as classes on preventing diabetes and understanding the Shingles vaccine, sessions promoting cultural understanding of China and India, a social day care program, and other important programs. All programs are open to seniors from Northborough and from other towns.

Sunday, January 6, 2019 Today, we donated half the plate to UU Rowe Camp and Conference Center 

UU Rowe Camp and Conference Center in Rowe, MA is a spiritual and educational organization offering opportunities for the presentation and exchange of a wide variety of ideas and beliefs consistent with Unitarian Universalist principles and values, to help people make better sense of their lives and help them make their world a better place in which to live. Rowe provides opportunities in a safe and supportive environment for people to explore diverse, far-reaching subjects in order to learn about themselves, each other, our cultures and the earth, and go forth with new knowledge, insight, and courage. Sunday, December 23, 2018 Today, we donated half the plate to Pets for Vets Many military veterans return home with scars – both seen and unseen – that make it difficult to transition back to civilian life. At the same time, wonderful companion animals wait in shelters. Pets for Vets is the bridge that brings them together so that both lives change for the better. The Veteran welcomes the animal into a loving home while the pet provides unconditional love and support, easing stress, depression, loneliness and anxiety. More at Sunday,

December 16, 2018 Today, we donated half the plate to Community Meals

Anyone in town is welcome to partake of this meal which is free of charge, provided by and served by a rotating group of volunteers from various Northboro churches, including our First Parish faith community, which started this service to the community in 1996 and continues to participate fully. The meal offers food and fellowship every Wednesday at 6:00 pm at Trinity Church, 23 Main Street.

Sunday, December 9, 2018 Today, we donated half the plate to A Place to Turn

Since 1979, A Place to Turn recognized that economic hardship exists in the suburbs and is not exclusively an urban problem. Their food pantry assists residents of MetroWest (approximately 30 towns). This year there has been an increase from Northboro and Westboro – currently they are assisting 30 families from those towns. Your donation is used to purchase perishable items like eggs, dairy, fresh protein like chicken, and easy to prepare healthy microwave meals for seniors. They also provide diapers (not covered by WIC or food stamps). More at

Sunday, December 2, 2018 Today, we donated half the plate to The Youth Ensemble of New England to support the Orchestra and these young artists.

For more information, visit Donate securely with PayPal

Sunday, November 18, 2018 Today, we donated half the plate to The Minister’s Discretionary Fund

This fund helps our members with emergency financial needs, in a completely confidential manner. Thank you for giving generously! Sunday, November 11, 2018 Today, we donated half the plate to Side With Love Sponsored by the UUA (Unitarian Universalist Association of Congregations) this public advocacy campaign seeks to harness love’s power to stop oppression by lobbying national leaders on immigration reform, racial justice, GLBT equality, religious freedom, and more. Amplifying the voices of the oppressed through online media, Side With Love participants show up in partnership at justice events across the country and work to make love real in the world.

Sunday, November 4, 2018 Today, we donated half the plate to Tree of Life Synagogue

Our offerings will help rebuild the synagogue and help support families of victims in the wake of the tragic shooting which occurred during Shabbat services on October 27.

Sunday, October 28, 2018 Today, we donated half the plate to Ferry Beach Park Association

On 32 oceanfront acres in southern Maine, this UU non-profit retreat and conference center’s mission is to awaken hearts to explore, grow and renew the spirit of universal love. At Ferry Beach “we create, practice and promote radical hospitality. We believe that the key to making the world a better place, a world that works for all of us, while taking care of our precious planet, is to practice loving compassion and kindness in the form of welcome and care.”

Sunday, October 21, 2018 Today, we donated half the plate to Unitarian Universalist Association of Congregations (UUA) Voting Rights

Actions Defending the right to vote has been central to the work of the UUA and at the core of Unitarian Universalism for decades—from expanding enfranchisement for women and people of color to advocating for a path to citizenship for immigrants; from our history of civil rights engagement to taking on the new Jim Crow and white supremacy today. www.uua/votingrights

Sunday, October 14, 2018 Today, we donated half the plate to The Transgender Emergency Fund of Massachusetts

The Transgender Emergency Fund (TEF) has been here helping low-income trans folks in Massachusetts since 2008. The fund responds to the needs of transgender people living in Massachusetts by providing immediate, short-term financial assistance to help low-income transgender people with basic human needs. The hope is that by providing immediate assistance, the fund can help people who are transgender and homeless, while at the same time preventing some transgender people in Central Massachusetts from becoming homeless in the first place

Sunday, October 7, 2018 Today, we donated half the plate to Community Meals

Anyone in town is welcome to partake of this meal which is free of charge, provided by and served by a rotating group of volunteers from various Northboro churches, including our First Parish faith community, which started this service to the community in 1996 and continues to participate fully. The meal offers food and fellowship every Wednesday at 6:00 pm at Trinity Church, 23 Main Street.

Sunday, September 30, 2018 Today, we donated half the plate to The Minister’s Discretionary Fund

This fund helps our members with emergency financial needs, in a completely confidential manner. Thank you for giving generously! Sunday, September 16, 2018 Today, we donated half the plate to The Anti-Defamation League of New England The Anti-Defamation League of New England (formerly Anti-Defamation League of B’nai B’rith) is an international Jewish non-governmental organization based in the USA, fighting anti-Semitism and all forms of bigotry, defending democratic ideals and protecting civil rights for all through information, education, legislation, and advocacy. Visit

Sunday, September 9, 2018 Today, we donated half the plate to The Bridge of Central Massachusetts

The Bridge of Central Massachusetts provides compassionate services for people of all ages with mental health challenges, developmental disabilities, acquired brain injury and complex family problems, through residential care, supported housing and flexible home-based services including educational and employment services. The Bridge has over 50 programs in 17 communities throughout Central Mass, Metro-West and Boston.  More at

Sunday, June 17, 2018 Today, we donated half the plate to Fresh Start Furniture Bank

A 100% volunteer-based local charity which provides free furniture and home goods to people in need. All of the items distributed have been donated. In 2017 this furniture bank furnished about 420 households (1200+ people) with over 12,000 items. They are located at 34 Tower Street, Hudson, MA and are in need of volunteers. For more details, go to

Sunday, June 10, 2018 Today, we donated half the plate to First Parish Monarch habitat

Monarch butterflies are beautiful examples of the diverse insect world. They are nectar-feeding winged pollinators, native milkweed-munching caterpillars, and magically metamorphic, long distance migrators. Our church’s growing beds feature bountiful milkweed and flowers supplying nectar sources. These areas support the growth of butterflies and insects, which in turn feed birds and other animals. The half plate today will pay for supplies to improve our organic landscape, and for helpers to water, weed, and maintain plantings over the summer.

Sunday, June 3, 2018 Today, we donated half the plate to The Community Meal Program of Northborough

Anyone in town is welcome to partake of this meal which is free of charge, provided by and served by a rotating group of volunteers from various Northboro churches, including our First Parish faith community, which started this service to the community in 1996 and continues to participate fully. The meal offers food and fellowship every Wednesday at 6:00 pm at the Trinity Church, 23 Main Street.

Sunday, May 27, 2018 Today we donated half the plate to Veterans, Inc.

Veterans Inc. is a national leader in ending homelessness among veterans with one of the highest rates in the nation – 85% – for transitioning veterans out of homelessness. A 501(c)3 nonprofit headquartered in Massachusetts, Veterans Inc. is the largest provider of support services to veterans and their families in New England. Since 1990, they’ve helped more than 70,000 veterans in need and today operate offices and programs in all six New England states.

Sunday, May 20, 2018 Today, we donated half the plate to Special Olympics Massachusetts

Helping to bring about policies to improve education, health care, and employment opportunities for people with intellectual disabilities all around the state, Special Olympics Massachusetts creates communities of support at games and competitions by bringing together athletes, coaches, volunteers, supporters and leaders of each community. Sunday, May 13, 2018 Today, we donated half the plate to Massachusetts Interfaith Power and Light Massachusetts Interfaith Power & Light is a non-profit organization that provides a religious response to climate change. Their mission is to: Assist faith communities, their members and the public to decrease their carbon dioxide emissions & energy costs; educate people on why climate change is a matter of morality and justice; and increase public understanding of policies that will lead to a sustainable future.

Sunday, May 6, 2018 Today we donated half the plate to: Broad Meadow Brook Audubon Sanctuary

Broad Meadow Brook in Worcester is the largest urban wildlife sanctuary in New England, with more than 400 acres, offering a wide variety of programs for people of all ages. Thank you for supporting Mass Audubon’s statewide efforts to protect wildlife and wild lands. Sunday, April 26, 2018 Today, we donated half the plate to The Minister’s Discretionary Fund This fund helps our members with emergency financial needs, in a completely confidential manner. Thank you for giving generously!