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The Ministerial Search Committee and Governing Board are very happy to announce that we have hired a minister!

Welcome, Rev. Steve Wilson!

Rev. Steve’s term begins August 1, 2024.

I feel proud, grateful, and lucky that I am a UU minister. I can think of nothing else I would rather do. Maybe I just have a lack of imagination. Maybe? However, I can’t think of a more comprehensive expression of who I am, want to professionally be, than be a Pastor. It is a sobering and joyful profession, calling, and way to live my life; I like to think I bring my own unique commitment, intellect, and humor to it.

Ours is not the era defined by church anymore. In recent years, our culture’s attention has both shortened and turned away from personal contemplation and toward popular entertainment. It has also become increasingly mobile and segregated across generations. Amid this landscape, the church has become a rare place where people can connect and engage. 

The great secret of our time is that we need places we trust to help provide meaning; places that can hold the solemn and bring us the sublime. And that means we need the liberal church more than ever.

In church, at best we care for one another, cultivate our characters, hone our consciences, and are asked to act out of our commitments and deepest values. In church, we cry and laugh, listen and sing, celebrate and mourn. In church, we deal with the solemn and stretch to court the sublime.

And I am honored to be a part of it. Ministry is for me a calling and a job I don’t believe I will ever tire of performing.

Blessed, grateful, and lucky. Rev. Steve Wilson