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Author: Lori Pandit

Our Pledge Drive Is Starting Soon

It’s that time again! We need a Pledge Drive as part of creating our proposed 2024-2025 Church budget for a Congregational vote in early June. As in past years, we will provide multiple ways to pledge: calling or emailing Alan Brooks, online pledge entry, responding to an email reminder, or responding to a phone call reminder. We will provide information on how to pledge in the next week or two. We want to complete the pledge drive by the end of March.

If you have any questions, please contact Alan Brooks at or 508-736-3030. 

Shir Joy Live Concert February 4, 2024

Shir Joy Chorus, Central MA’s Jewish Community Chorus, is presenting a Live Concert on Sunday, February 4, from 7:00pm-8:30pm. Shir Joy Chorus will present its winter concert in a live performance. The theme — “Songs of Light & Hope” — reflects the group’s love of music and hopes for a brighter future for all of us.
The concert will feature selections in both Hebrew and English. Shir Joy will singpieces by Batya Levine, Naomi Shemer, Beth Schafer, Nefesh Mountain, MichaelBoino, Ernest Bloch, Shir Joy’s own director and composer, Nan AK Gibbons, andmore. Location: Congregation B’nai Shalom, 117 East Main Street, Westborough, MAAdmission: $15 at the door or order onlineReservations: