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Shir Joy Live Concert February 4, 2024

Shir Joy Chorus, Central MA’s Jewish Community Chorus, is presenting a Live Concert on Sunday, February 4, from 7:00pm-8:30pm. Shir Joy Chorus will present its winter concert in a live performance. The theme — “Songs of Light & Hope” — reflects the group’s love of music and hopes for a brighter future for all of us.
The concert will feature selections in both Hebrew and English. Shir Joy will singpieces by Batya Levine, Naomi Shemer, Beth Schafer, Nefesh Mountain, MichaelBoino, Ernest Bloch, Shir Joy’s own director and composer, Nan AK Gibbons, andmore. Location: Congregation B’nai Shalom, 117 East Main Street, Westborough, MAAdmission: $15 at the door or order onlineReservations:

Health & Safety Protocols


  • Masking is optional at First Parish Northboro, EXCEPT the back 3 rows of the Meeting House and upstairs which are reserved for masked members.
  • If you have tested positive for an illness or have symptoms please remain home and attend with Zoom.
  • If you learn you have COVID or other contagious illness and may have exposed one or more people at First Parish Northboro, please either reach out to those people directly or to the minister.

HOLIDAY GIFT DRIVE for Children in Foster Care

The holidays are just around the corner and we would like to get an idea how many kids our church will be able to sponsor this year in the gift drive. Each person/family who signs up sponsors a child, whose age, gender, or wish list will be available in November.

Please email Tracey Turner, if you would like to participate in this annual First Parish holiday tradition. 

Gifts will be due in by 12/14. The children are under the care of a long term Northborough Foster Family who works with the Department of Children and Families (DCF). DCF, in partnership with families and communities, works to keep children safe from abuse and neglect and toward establishing the permanency and well-being of children by providing supports and services to families at home when it is safe to do so.  

Community Meals Starting December

The Community Meals Program is gearing up to offer in-person meals again at Trinity Church starting this December. We are looking for volunteers to help prepare meals and/or set up/serve/clean up. The time commitment for the entire process is from about 4:30 pm – 7 pm on the Wednesday we are hosting. If you can commit to helping for part of that time, that would be great.  

Please contact Alicia Coderre if you are interested in helping out. We will be coordinating our efforts with the Church of the Nativity in Northborough, and plan to host 3 meals over a 12 month period. Our first hosting event will be in late January, 2024.